Classic Literature
Revisit the classic novels you read (or didn't) in school with reviews, analysis, and study guides of the most acclaimed and beloved books from around the world.
The 10 Most-Banned Classic Novels
A List of Every Nobel Prize Winner in English Literature
Literature Definitions: What Makes a Book a Classic?
Why We Don't Read
Roman Theater
The Meaning of Myths, Folklore, Legends, and Fairy Tales
A Brief Overview of American Literary Periods
The Genre of Epic Literature and Poetry
Individual Summaries of Ovid: the Amores Book I
Poets of Latin Love Elegy
Controversial and Banned Books
Banned Books: History and Quotes
5 Famous Classic Italian Writers
The Augustan Age
How "The Catcher in the Rye" Finally Got an E-Book Edition
The Victorian Period Was a Time of Change
Why “Anne of Green Gables” May Wind Up the Most Adapted Book in History
What's the Difference Between Classical and Classic Literature?
How to Get Rid of a Musty Smell in Books
Aeschylus: Greek Tragedy Writer Profile
What Is a Modern Classic in Literature?
Every Character in Moby Dick
5 Secrets Hidden in Agatha Christie’s Novels
Ancient Greek Tragedy
101 Classics to Get You Started
Places in the Iliad
Banned Plays Through History
5 Unconventional Heroines From Classic Literature
All About the 12 Labors of Hercules
Introduction to the Agricola by Tacitus
Top 5 Books About American Writers in Paris
Aristophanes' Lysistrata
Plot Summary of the Episodes and Stasima of "Oedipus Tyrannos," by Sophocles.
Ancient Greek Comedy
An Explanation of the Term "Trojan Horse"
How Much Are Your Books Worth?
Aesop's Fable of the Crow and the Pitcher
Virgil Quotations With English Translations
19 Epic Terms to Know from Homeric Epic
13 Odd Facts About Edgar Allan Poe
Reading Quiz on "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift
'The Great Gatsby' Quiz
Are Literature and Fiction the Same?
Biography of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German Writer and Statesman
Biography of Agatha Christie, English Mystery Writer
Biography of William Golding, British Novelist
Biography of Franz Kafka, Czech Novelist
Biography of Henry Miller, Novelist
Biography of Mary Shelley, English Novelist, Author of 'Frankenstein'
Biography of Roald Dahl, British Novelist
Biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian Novelist
Biography of Colette, French Author
Biography of Aldous Huxley, British Author, Philosopher, Screenwriter
Biography of J. D. Salinger, American Writer
Biography of Vladimir Nabokov, Russian-American Novelist
Biography of C.S. Lewis, British Writer
Biography of James Joyce, Influential Irish Novelist
Biography of Sylvia Plath, American Poet and Writer
Biography of Henry David Thoreau, American Essayist
Biography of Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Essayist
Biography of Victor Hugo, French Writer